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Introduce ResortPass to other hotels, resorts or spas and earn a $200
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What is the ResortPass Hospitality Referral Program?

The ResortPass Hospitality Referral Program rewards hoteliers, travel industry professionals, and other individuals with rewards for referring a hotel, resort, or spa property to ResortPass.

What types properties are a fit for ResortPass? Accepted referrals in the program are any hotel, resort, spa, recreational facility, vacation rental, or apartment complex.  The referred contact must be a manager or director-level or above to qualify for the reward.
What rewards are offered? Enjoy a daycationon us! A $150 ResortPass credit will be granted upon a meeting being scheduled and completed between the referred contact and a ResortPass team member.
Is there a limit to how many referrals I can make? Nope!  Keep sending referrals and keep getting rewarded.