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About ResortPass

Redefining what it means to be a hotel guest

Your next vacation can be just for the day. ResortPass unlocks exclusive day access to the world’s best hotels. Experience luxury amenities like pools, spas, and more without having to stay overnight.
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Our global marketplace empowers locals and travelers alike to easily book luxurious hotel amenities just for the day.


Our innovative hotel partners list their amenities on our marketplace and earn millions in ancillary revenue.


Our company values hiring good people who want to do extraordinary work at a company creating a brand new category in hospitality.

Join our mission to create a healthier, happier world by encouraging more daycations.
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Annual ResortPass Credit

Unlimited PTO

Comprehensive Health, Dental & Vision

Company Equity

Michael Wolf, CEO

"As ResortPass crosses the 3+ million day guest milestone, I've truly never been more excited about what we are building. I'm so grateful to our dedicated (and fast growing!) team, and deep partnerships with thousands of the world’s best hotels that have made it possible for millions of day guests to create unforgettable memories. "

Michael Wolf, CEO

Our Investors

ResortPass is supported by a network of forward-thinking investors who share our vision of revolutionizing the hospitality industry and enhancing hotel experiences worldwide.

Adam Grant, Brian Kelly, Jessica Alba, 14W, Declaration, CRV, FJ Labs, K5 Global, Endeavor, and more.